Explanation-based Questions

Has your child always been missing the half mark for explanatory questions?

This workshop will focus on answering techniques for questions requiring students to "Explain why".

Using structured key points in the correct logical flow, students would be guided step-by-step in the thought process to construct the final answer that will score full two marks in open ended questions.

Total: $250

Class Schedule and Time Slots


Explanation-Based Questions

Has your child always been missing the half mark for explanatory questions?

This workshop will focus on answering techniques for questions requiring students to "Explain why".

Using structured key points in the correct logical flow, students would be guided step-by-step in the thought process to construct the final answer that will score full two marks in open ended questions.


  • Guided thought process with questions that prompt students to think about the key points required in the answer.


  • Guided construction of final answer after key points are written down.


  • Students will realise important key points that were missed in their answers which prevented them from scoring full two marks, and learn from their mistakes.


  • Students will be able to better answer challenging exam questions using systematic thought processes taught in this workshop.


  • Students can take the opportunity to recall important concepts that they have forgotten.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here in Our Learning Lodge, only the best in their fields are in-charge of each subject. English, Math and Science are taken care of by teachers who specialise in that area. Passion plays a part in all of our trained teachers who are motivated by not only the subject but what the students can gain from the subject and of course, that includes their A*s.
Zoom has improved its system and we have improved our steps to make sure the learning environment will not be violated in any way. Meeting passwords are set and once everyone is in, we will ensure that the meeting would be locked, barring anyone else from coming into the lesson.
Just like in an actual real-life setting, our PSLE specialists would call on students to ensure they are paying utmost attention and we would encourage every student to show themselves via the camera so that the PSLE specialists can see their facial expressions. The chat would also be regulated and used only for discussing questions pertaining to the subject at hand.
Usually to start off the lesson, we will have everyone in class to introduce themselves. This is to get them and their peers comfortable but also to get to know what motivates them. In the midst of the first lesson, teachers can already identify their learning style and would tweak the lessons according to what they need to stay engaged. A group setting is especially useful as not only will prompts be given by teachers, but students will also participate. A classroom of students eager to learn and share their knowledge helps to build motivation in the process of achieving A*s.
Our Learning Lodge treasures our relationship with parents as we know that parents play a major role in educating our students. We will be giving individual feedback on the classes at a regular basis so that parents can take note of their child's progress and monitor their behaviour as well as attitude towards learning. Moreover, communication between us and the parent will always be open with our WhatsApp hotline. Should there be any concerns, feel free to raise the issues and we will be united in dealing with any complications.


Thank you to Our Learning Lodge teachers' patient guidance. I improved from a B+ to A* in English PSLE and from an A- to A* in Science PSLE. I would like to thank the teachers for helping me excel in my studies.
Ms Lim’s and Ms Shihara’s lessons are fun and interesting. I enjoyed every lesson with them! Through Our Learning Lodge (OLL), I have learnt many new Science concepts and strategies, which helped me greatly in answering Science MCQ and OEQ questions. In school, Science has always been a boring subject but OLL has helped me like it instead which has gained me my A* in PSLE Science!
Our Learning Lodge (OLL) helped me a lot in my PSLE journey. During prelims, I scored a 75 out of 100. However, after I attended the classes at OLL, my Science greatly improved into an A* during PSLE. OLL teaches Science in a very interesting way. From the basic concepts to using keywords and gradually towards forming an answer independently before guided examples. I also understood the concepts taught for English and Mathematics better. The teachers in OLL are very helpful, kind and patient. Thank you very much, Our Learning Lodge!
I am very happy that I have chosen Our Learning Lodge for my PSLE preparation. I managed to get an A* for my Science during the PSLE examination with the great teaching from the teachers at Our Learning Lodge.
In Our Learning Lodge, the teachers will go a long way to help you understand the concepts better. On top of the already comprehensive booklets we have which contains very good examples, the teachers give us enough time to truly absorb what was being taught. They also manage the class very well and the food at the cafe was so tasty, I miss it already. Not as much as I miss the teachers and I would like to say thank you to them for being there for us. A* for PSLE English, A* for PSLE Maths and A* for PSLE Science would not be possible if not for them.

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